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New goals for Dispurse Learning Center in Cajamarca

The year 2024 will mark an important milestone for Dispurse as we work closely with students in the communities of San José de las Madres and Quinuapata.

New goals for Dispurse Learning Center in Cajamarca

New goals for Dispurse Learning Center in Cajamarca

The year 2024 will mark an important milestone for Dispurse as we work closely with students in the communities of San José de las Madres and Quinuapata. The tablet rotation strategy will be the mainstay, along with the introduction of the latest version of our FOCUS app. Designed to strengthen digital literacy skills, this innovative version will be developed and thoroughly tested at our Learning Center in Cajamarca.

Dispurse's educational approach stands out for its adaptability to geographic dispersion and the availability of facilitators. Participants will begin their literacy training by identifying their learning, creating a competency map that will guide them towards personalized strategies. Those with varying levels of learning will be able to invest less time in the Literacy Program, adjusting to their individual needs.

At the Dispurse Learning Center in Cajamarca, we are committed to quality and continuous improvement. All of our innovations, from pedagogical strategies to the FOCUS application and educational materials, are meticulously tested. This approach, with special attention to students with absolute illiteracy, reflects our commitment to educational excellence and sustainable progress.

Vi firar våra deltagares framgångar i Bolivia!

Vi är stolta över att meddela att 10 kvinnor framgångsrikt har genomfört vårt litteracitetsprogram  i Bolivia. Detta pilotprojekt, genomfört i makrodistriktet Periferica i La Paz, är resultatet av ett värdefullt samarbete med Fundación Educación y Cooperación (Educo) och Fundación Centro de Cultura Popular (FCCP).

¡Seguimos expandiendo la educación comunitaria!

En la Fundación Dispurse, seguimos avanzando en nuestro compromiso con la educación de personas jóvenes y adultas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Nos complace anunciar que hemos concretado la réplica de la exitosa experiencia de las Escuelas Comunitarias Abiertas (ECA) desarrollada en la provincia de Quispicanchi, Cusco, esta vez en el distrito de Los Baños del Inca, en la región Cajamarca.

Rewriting Stories: The Transformative Power of Youth and Adult Education

The event organized by Es Hoy, DVV International and Dispurse Foundation highlighted the joint efforts of companies, municipalities, educational institutions and civil society to close the educational gaps in youth and adults. In a context where 1 in 3 people in Peru have not completed their basic education, this event highlighted the importance of education as a tool for transformation.