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Här finns ett urval av nyheter från vårt arbete

Dispurse Literacy Program starts in the district of Machupicchu

The Municipality of Machupicchu, through the Deputy Manager of Social Development, and Dispurse Foundation have signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the aim of combating illiteracy and promoting educational continuity for people in vulnerable situations.

Dispurse Digital facilitator training has started

As part of our collaboration with EDUCO and the Fundación Centro de Cultura Popular (FCCP) we have started our Digital Facilitator training as part of the planned implementation of Dispurse Literacy Program aimed at low literate mothers in Bolivia.

Dispurse literacy program expands to Hualgayoc

We are pleased to announce that we have started our literacy program with FOCUS in the district of Bambamarca with 245 young and adult students who are illiterate or have incomplete primary education.

Literacy in La Ensenada with your support!

This month we have started a new literacy group in La Ensenada, north of Lima, thanks to the support of people who donated second-hand devices through the campaign "Donate a tablet, change a life".