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Students of CEBA Clorinda Matto de Turner receive tablets to develop a literacy program

With the objective of contributing and reinforcing education, the District Municipality of Saylla, through the Sub Management of Social Development and the Educational Project, has delivered 20 tablets to the Alternative Basic Education Center (CEBA) “Clorinda Matto de Turner”.

Students of CEBA Clorinda Matto de Turner receive tablets to develop a literacy program

These tablets will be used in our literacy program, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Municipality of Saylla and Dispurse Foundation and as part of the Regional Literacy Program “It is never too late to learn - Atikunmi” which seeks to reduce the illiteracy rate and strengthen the capacities of the young and adult population in the department of Cusco. 

Atikunmi uses tablets and Dispurse's literacy methodology, based on the FOCUS application and pedagogical materials. The CEBAs play a crucial role, being trained in the methodology to implement the program, adapting the training according to the learning and knowledge of the students.

The technological equipment was received by the director, Prof. Luis Cutipa Villasante, who expressed his gratitude to the mayor, Arq. Rolando Ccopa Mendoza, and the aldermen of the Municipal Council for their commitment to education and their contribution to the academic development of the students of this educational institution.

Vi firar våra deltagares framgångar i Bolivia!

Vi är stolta över att meddela att 10 kvinnor framgångsrikt har genomfört vårt litteracitetsprogram  i Bolivia. Detta pilotprojekt, genomfört i makrodistriktet Periferica i La Paz, är resultatet av ett värdefullt samarbete med Fundación Educación y Cooperación (Educo) och Fundación Centro de Cultura Popular (FCCP).

¡Seguimos expandiendo la educación comunitaria!

En la Fundación Dispurse, seguimos avanzando en nuestro compromiso con la educación de personas jóvenes y adultas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Nos complace anunciar que hemos concretado la réplica de la exitosa experiencia de las Escuelas Comunitarias Abiertas (ECA) desarrollada en la provincia de Quispicanchi, Cusco, esta vez en el distrito de Los Baños del Inca, en la región Cajamarca.

Rewriting Stories: The Transformative Power of Youth and Adult Education

The event organized by Es Hoy, DVV International and Dispurse Foundation highlighted the joint efforts of companies, municipalities, educational institutions and civil society to close the educational gaps in youth and adults. In a context where 1 in 3 people in Peru have not completed their basic education, this event highlighted the importance of education as a tool for transformation.