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Dispurse literacy program expands to Hualgayoc

We are pleased to announce that we have started our literacy program with FOCUS in the district of Bambamarca with 245 young and adult students who are illiterate or have incomplete primary education

Dispurse literacy program expands to Hualgayoc

. This work is developed thanks to the agreement signed with the Ministry of Education, within the framework of the normative document N°057-2022-MINEDU, called “Guidelines for the development of the Alternative Basic Education Literacy Program”.
In November 2022, the inter-institutional cooperation agreement N°036-2022 was signed between the Ministry of Education and the Dispurse Foundation. The objective of this agreement is to implement Dispurse's Educational Proposal for the recognition of learning of students from 15 years of age and older who are illiterate, primarily in rural areas and areas of extreme poverty.
This initiative is also part of the collaboration between Fe y Alegría and Fundación Dispurse, an alliance that supports the efforts of the Directorate of Alternative Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, generating innovative experiences that have an impact on public education policies for youth and adults.
In 2023, we worked with 155 students from CEBA Fe y Alegría N°69 in the province of Cutervo. In 2024, we have started our program in 15 literacy circles of CEBA Fe y Alegría N°83 Bambamarca, in the province of Hualgayoc in the Cajamarca region.

Dispurse Literacy Program starts in the district of Machupicchu

The Municipality of Machupicchu, through the Deputy Manager of Social Development, and Dispurse Foundation have signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the aim of combating illiteracy and promoting educational continuity for people in vulnerable situations.