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Dispurse Foundation signs agreement with DVV International to strengthen adult education in Peru

In a significant step towards the promotion of youth and adult education, Dispurse Foundation has signed a cooperation agreement with DVV International, the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband eV).

Dispurse Foundation signs agreement with DVV International to strengthen adult education in Peru

DVV International, with more than 50 years of experience, represents the interests of approximately 900 adult education centers in Germany. The institution is dedicated to the establishment and development of sustainable structures for youth and adult education globally, and its commitment to lifelong learning has been recognized internationally.

The objective of the agreement is for both parties to cooperate mutually and join efforts to develop initiatives aimed at promoting Youth and Adult Education (Y&AE) in Peru. It will also seek to influence public policy related to Y&AE in order to strengthen the regulatory framework and educational opportunities for this sector.

Dispurse and DVV International are joining forces to implement programs that strengthen adult education in Peru, creating accessible and quality learning opportunities for vulnerable communities. This collaboration represents an important step in the mission of both organizations to promote education as a fundamental pillar for personal and social development.

With this partnership Dispurse Foundation reaffirms its commitment to inclusive education and joins a global network of institutions dedicated to transforming lives through education.

On International Literacy Day, we share María's inspiring story

María Quispe Ito is a 51-year-old artisan who knits hats, gloves and booties with sheep's wool and sells them in the Plaza de Armas of her district Coata, in the Puno region. As a child she was forced to work, so she was taken away from school by her parents when she was very young.