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Collaboration with the national social program Juntos to promote literacy in Cajamarca

In collaboration with the National Program of Direct Support to the Poorest - JUNTOS, Cajamarca, we have started our literacy program in the district of Los Baños del Inca, focusing on low literate users of the social program in the villages of Bajo Otuzco and Puylucana.

Collaboration with the national social program Juntos to promote literacy in Cajamarca

The project is developed within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the District Municipality of Los Baños del Inca and the Dispurse Foundation, whose objective for the year 2024 is to teach literacy to 50 women living in poverty and vulnerability in the district, aiming to improve their personal, family and community development. This year we also plan to work with 30 users of the social program in the district of La Encañada, in collaboration with the local government.

The purpose of the Juntos Program is to provide subsidies to benefit the poorest families in the rural and urban population. In addition, it provides health and education benefits aimed at ensuring access to schooling as well as preventive maternal and child health.

Dispurse Literacy Program starts in the district of Machupicchu

The Municipality of Machupicchu, through the Deputy Manager of Social Development, and Dispurse Foundation have signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the aim of combating illiteracy and promoting educational continuity for people in vulnerable situations.