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Andahuaylillas as a UNESCO City of Learning

The Dispurse Foundation is proud to be part of the initiative that has led to the distinguished distinction of Andahuaylillas as a Learning City by UNESCO, a recognition that was granted in the month of February by the Institute for Lifelong Learning. Life (UIL). This recognition is a testament to the commitment and effort dedicated to community education and lifelong learning.

Andahuaylillas as a UNESCO City of Learning

In collaboration with the district municipality and the Community Education Unit of the Ministry of Education, we have actively supported the municipal community education project in Andahuaylillas since its inception in 2018. This comprehensive project not only focuses on formal education, but also encompasses crucial aspects such as interculturality, sustainability, health, social equity, and entrepreneurship.

Thanks to this initiative, hundreds of residents of Andahuaylillas have been able to benefit from programs that promote healthy habits, literacy, access to educational opportunities and agricultural and commercial activities.

This achievement would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of various organizations, local businesses and government entities. Dispurse Foundation has been a constant partner in this process, committed to the continued success of the initiative.

We are honored to be part of this transformative project and look forward to continuing to collaborate with Andahuaylillas and other communities to promote learning and sustainable development throughout the country.

Photo: District Municipality of Andahuaylillas
Photo: District Municipality of Andahuaylillas
Photo: District Municipality of Andahuaylillas
Photo: District Municipality of Andahuaylillas

Vi firar våra deltagares framgångar i Bolivia!

Vi är stolta över att meddela att 10 kvinnor framgångsrikt har genomfört vårt litteracitetsprogram  i Bolivia. Detta pilotprojekt, genomfört i makrodistriktet Periferica i La Paz, är resultatet av ett värdefullt samarbete med Fundación Educación y Cooperación (Educo) och Fundación Centro de Cultura Popular (FCCP).

¡Seguimos expandiendo la educación comunitaria!

En la Fundación Dispurse, seguimos avanzando en nuestro compromiso con la educación de personas jóvenes y adultas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Nos complace anunciar que hemos concretado la réplica de la exitosa experiencia de las Escuelas Comunitarias Abiertas (ECA) desarrollada en la provincia de Quispicanchi, Cusco, esta vez en el distrito de Los Baños del Inca, en la región Cajamarca.

Rewriting Stories: The Transformative Power of Youth and Adult Education

The event organized by Es Hoy, DVV International and Dispurse Foundation highlighted the joint efforts of companies, municipalities, educational institutions and civil society to close the educational gaps in youth and adults. In a context where 1 in 3 people in Peru have not completed their basic education, this event highlighted the importance of education as a tool for transformation.