• Education for empowerment

Community Literacy in Alternative Basic Education

Community Literacy in Alternative Basic Education

In the fight against illiteracy and the lack of basic reading and writing skills in the northern region of Cajamarca, the Dispurse Foundation has deployed its commitment through the Community Literacy project. In this area, where 20.8% of the population over the age of 15 faces economic challenges due to a lack of essential skills, Dispurse is making a difference.

Using the FOCUS application, the Dispurse Foundation drives basic, digital, functional and critical literacy, addressing even rural areas with difficult access or connectivity. Technology thus becomes a key ally in reaching remote communities, offering meaningful learning opportunities.

One of the highlights of Dispurse's approach is the creation of 'learning experiences'. These experiences, adapted to the context of each community, focus on concrete challenges that students face in their daily lives. In the province of Cutervo, for example, they work on topics related to agricultural, livestock, commercial, gastronomic, handicraft and festival activities, as well as problems identified by the community, such as anemia, family violence and natural phenomena.

The collaboration between Fe y Alegría and Fundación Dispurse aims to close the educational gap for those Peruvians who did not access or did not complete basic education. This alliance supports the efforts of the Directorate of Alternative Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, generating innovative experiences that have an impact on public education policies for young people and adults.

The implementation of this educational proposal is being carried out in the Cajamarca region, and the results are evident. In 2023, we worked with 155 students from CEBA Fe y Alegría N°69 in the province of Cutervo. For the year 2024, the expansion continues with the collaboration in 15 literacy circles of CEBA Fe y Alegría N°83 Bambamarca, in the province of Hualgayoc.