• Education for empowerment

Ministry of Education of Peru

Ministry of Education of Peru 

The Ministry of Education, through the Directorate of Alternative Basic Education (DEBA), provides educational services through two programs: the Literacy Program, which covers the initial and intermediate cycle (equivalent to the Primary Education level) and the Alternative Basic Education Program for Youth and Adults, which covers the initial, intermediate and advanced cycle.

The Literacy Program is developed within the framework of the normative document N°057-2022-MINEDU, called "Guidelines for the development of the Alternative Basic Education Literacy Program" and is aimed at people 15 years of age and older who are illiterate or have incomplete primary education.

Within this framework, in November 2022, the inter-institutional cooperation agreement N°036-2022 was signed between the Ministry of Education and the Dispurse Foundation. The purpose of the agreement is to implement Dispurse's Educational Proposal in coordination with the Regional Education Directorates (DRE) and the Local Education Management Units (UGEL) for the recognition of learning of students aged 15 years and older who are illiterate, mainly in rural and extremely poor areas that develop educational activities within the framework of the Alternative Basic Education Literacy Program.

The work plan contemplates the articulation of teaching methods through the use of digital educational tools to help students of the Literacy Program to achieve new learning and contribute to reduce the educational gap between young people and adults. Thus, during the year 2023, 155 participants worked in 10 literacy circles in the province of Cutervo, in the Cajamarca region.