• Contribute to a world without poverty through education

Fe y Alegría in Peru

Fe y Alegría in Peru

Fe y Alegría is a non-profit association, promoted by the Society of Jesus, which manages public educational institutions with the commitment to provide free quality education throughout life to the most vulnerable people in Peru. It is part of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría, present in 22 countries in three continents: America, Africa and Europe.

Dispurse fights poverty through education and seeks alliances to increase women's literacy because it believes that investing in their education will change the world. In this effort, in March 2023 an agreement has been signed with Fe y Alegría, whose purpose is to contribute to the care of illiterate people and the promotion of educational continuity for young people and adults.

The alliance between Fe y Alegría and Fundación Dispurse also aims to contribute to the reduction of the educational gap of Peruvians who did not access or did not complete basic education, supporting the efforts made by the Directorate of Alternative Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, and generating innovative experiences that impact public policies on education for young people and adults.

The implementation of Dispurse's educational proposal by Fe y Alegría's teachers and facilitators is being carried out in the Cajamarca region. In 2023, we worked with 150 students from CEBA Fe y Alegría N°69 in the province of Cutervo. In 2024, we will work with the students of 15 literacy circles of CEBA Fe y Alegría N°83 Bambamarca, in the province of Hualgayoc.